Saturday, March 3, 2012

Increase Your AdSense Earnings

There are many ways to optimize your AdSense earnings. If you aren't experimenting with things like placement, color, layout, size and other variables, you could be leaving a lot of money on the table.
I increased my earnings by 20% just by following some of the tips mentioned in my video below.

SBI! Websites Perform Very Well With AdSense

Site Build It! was created long before AdSense was born, but the core lessons of this all-in-one site building system make it the perfect fit for the Google AdSense program.
Because SBI! teaches you how to build income through contextual content websites (like this one) and the AdSense program is perfect for these kinds of sites.
The reason SBI! is so unique from other web hosts, is they actually teach you how to market your site, unlike the cheaper hosts that equip you with a gazillion amount of server space (that you'll never use) and a "good luck!"
Many people have commented on my YouTube channel saying "Adsense doesn't work." Most of these folks just haven't learned how to draw enough targeted traffic to their websites so they assume no one is making any money with the program.
AdSense definitely works, and I receive the checks every month to prove it, but you have to learn how to work the program and it all starts with how much traffic you have.
So if you're not happy with your site's traffic and would like to try a different kind of host with guidance (video guide, brainstorming tools, SEO help and more), learn more about why Site Build It! is such a great fit for AdSense.

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